Go a Golden Mile!

Go a Golden Mile!

Take the Golden Mile challenge,

help to create a gold-standard world

What's it about?

Young people are facing an epic challenge.  Will you stand in solidarity with them by taking on a challenge of your own?

Did you know that...

  • In 2022, the number of sexual abuse offences against children rose to over 100,000 for the first time?
  • The youth homelessness rate in England is 1 in 50 young people?
  • Almost half (46%) of young people report experiencing feelings of self-loathing?
  • 47% of young people are worried that they will never be financially secure?
  • 53% of young people from poorer backgrounds have lowered their expectations for their future because of the rising cost of living?
  • Almost 1 in 4 young people from poorer backgrounds think their life will amount to nothing, no matter how hard they try?

At the same time...

  • The 2021 census found that 71,120 young people are providing 20-50 hours of unpaid care to loved ones each week, an increase of ⅔ since the 2011 census.
  • Between 2014 and 2020, the rate of volunteering was highest among 16 - 24 year olds (and 65 - 74 year olds). In 2019/20, 39% of young people had volunteered at least once within the last year.
  • Hundreds of young people have given their time and ideas to address the biggest issues facing their generation, including youth violence and exploitation, poor mental health and racism.

This generation is invested in helping others, solving problems and finding routes to a better future for everyone.

Will you help them turn their vision into reality?

Take the Golden Mile challenge!

The challenge

Join us in making March 2023 a month of action, declaration and celebration!

We're taking action - embracing challenges of our own to show solidarity with young people who are taking on the challenges of a post-Covid 19 world.  We're making a declaration of our support, by sharing our challenges online.  We're celebrating the young people we work with and all that young people everywhere contribute to our communities.

Your challenge, your way

It couldn't be easier: all you have to do is go 1 mile on March 25th-26th.  Run along a canal, cycle across town, walk around the park, climb up a mountain, abseil down a skyscaper, swim, somersault, skate or sky-dive.  It's totally up to you!  Make it your Golden Mile.

As you'll set your own challenge, you can start and finish whenever you like and go your Golden Mile anywhere you choose.  It’s about you having fun and making a difference.  All you have to do is choose how you'll complete the challenge, pay £10 to register and sign up.

Share, share, share!

Once you've decided on your challenge, spread the word about what you're going to do.  Share photos/videos on social media, tell people this is your act of solidarity and use #YPAreGold to highlight the value of young people and the role they play in creating a better future for us all.

Register now!

Make a difference

We all need this generation to be full of hope, vision and motivation to pursue a better world and we have the power to make that happen.

We can help them grow into people who believe dreams can be achieved, who feel part of something bigger than themselves, who can see possibilities for a brighter future, who know that they're worth their weight in gold.

By signing up, you're investing in young people

null If 500 people sign up for £10, we could:
> Provide 250 sessions of mentoring for young people at risk of not flourishing
> Recruit and train 50 volunteer mentors
> Run 100 mental health workshops for young people

If 1,000 people sign up for £10, we could:
> Run a school holiday meal programme for a year, providing 1500 hot meals to low-income families
> Provide refreshments and craft materials for 650 youth club sessions

If 350 people each raise £100 sponsorship, we could:
> Employ a full-time senior youth work for 1 year, to respond to significant safeguarding issues and provide specialised support for particularly vulnerable young people

You're helping to develop young people's passions and abilities

null If 500 people sign up for £10, we could:
> Run 2 weekly cooking clubs - 1 for young people and 1 for adults - for a year
> Run 4 peer mentoring training courses, equipping 40 young people to support and invest in other young people
> Run a residential (e.g. camping) for 10 young people to develop communication and relationship skills

If 1,000 people sign up for £10, we could:
> Run 5 special interest projects (such as art, music, bike maintenance, drama) to expand young people's horizons
> Buy litter-pickers, gloves and other equipment for young people to undertake 100 social action projects

If 500 people each raise £100 sponsorship, we could:
> Cover the total costs of providing long-term support (6 years) for 20 young people
> Run 2 social enterprises, offering skills development, work experience and employment opportunities to young people
> Employ 2 full-time youth workers for a year to build supportive relationships and run positive activities with marginalised young people

And you're highlighting positive stories about young people

nullIf 500 people sign up, we will see #YPAreGold posted on social media at least 500 times and at least 5,000 people will see a positive message about young people

If 1,000 people sign up, we could get #YPAreGold trending on Twitter

If 1,000 people share one of our positive stories about young people, at least 10,000 people will see a social media post about young people's achievements, contributions and creativity.

So, sign up!  Join us!  Get Up and Gold for a better world!

Get involved

Join a movement of change-makers

When you register to Get Up and Gold, you’re making change happen.  By taking and sharing your challenge, you’re stretching yourself, bringing a bit of sunshine to those around you and investing in a movement of change-makers.  What's not to love?

Here is what you have to do:

  1. Click here to register.
  2. Donate £10, to invest in young people.
  3. Spread the word about why you're taking the Golden Mile challenge.
  4. Doing something a bit different?  Set up a fundraising page and ask people to sponsor you!
  5. Go your Golden Mile on March 25th/26th, as an action of solidarity.
  6. Share your photos or videos with us and your friends and followers, using #YPareGold.

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